Global Model: What is a GLOBAL Model?


International Humanitarian Organisation (IHO) of the People

In a GLOBAL MODEL, humanity works together as a people for the common good of all nations. Working together as a global people provides a psychologically sound foundation for humanity to solve its global problems. To efficiently and effectively coordinate its global initiatives, a non-political professional Humanitarian/Scientific Organisation is required. This Organisation will implement global directives which support and benefit all nations – equally.


International Humanitarian Organisation (IHO) of the People

Humanitarian Focus

This International Organisation will focus on addressing the global political, economic, humanitarian and social challenges throughout the world, while supporting the needs of all countries and people.

Scientific Excellence

The international scientific community will provide the necessary expertise and tools to solve the global challenges.


This independent, non-political Organisation will be led by professional global Sector Teams that will help all nations implement and coordinate global directives which are designed to benefit all nations – equally!

This GLOBAL MODEL will be highly effective as it aligns the interests of all nations to the same shared values and goals, thereby allowing them to work together in true global cooperation for their common good.

Download the GLOBAL MODEL booklet (.pdf)

If you would like to take a closer look at the importance and phenomenal benefits of a GLOBAL MODEL, you can download this informative booklet.

Alternatively, you can read it online.

GLOBAL Operations Center

Coordinates International Operations

In a real world example, a Global Operations Center (simulation above) will coordinate the humanitarian and scientific directives designed to benefit and improve the quality of life in all countries. This video provides a basic idea of the concept.


Principal roles, directives and responsibilities

What are our shared goals?

The role of the IHO is to improve the quality of life for people in all countries and address the global problems that exist today.

The first step is to identify the global problems. The next, to assess the impact of each problem, its relationship to other problems, and its global risk to society.

Based on the identified problems and risks, the IHO will define a set of shared goals to remediate these problems. Each will be assigned a priority in terms of how urgently the goal needs to be addressed.

Implement Directives to achieve the goals

Once the shared goals have been defined and agreed, global directives will be implemented to address them. These directives will improve the lives of people in all countries, as well as the environmental health of the planet.



As the Representative Organisation of Humanity, the IHO is responsible for implementing intelligent global directives to improve all nations and the state of the planet.

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Nation States


In a GLOBAL MODEL, Nation States retain authority at the National level. However, if a National law is in conflict with a humanitarian global directive, the global directive takes precedence.

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A GLOBAL MODEL needs to 'bring out the best in us as a people'. As within, so without. As we become more intelligent individuals, we create a more intelligent world.



To truly represent the best interests of humanity, the IHO must be an independent Organisation. It should have no ‘political, national or corporate’ affiliations.

Its purpose is to implement global directives to improve the quality of life for people in all nations while maintaining to wellbeing of the planet and its species.



One of the most profound benefits of a new GLOBAL MODEL will be the significant improvement in our psychology worldwide.

A world based on global cooperation will have an immediate and positive impact on relations in all countries and across all sectors of society. This impact will be the most evident within the political sector.



An Organisation designed to represent humanity needs to bring out the best in us as a people. It needs to reflect our core values and highest ideals, while manifesting a shared vision of a better world for all.

The IHO can fulfil this role by adopting a GLOBAL MODEL based on professional standards and independent oversight.


We need to utilise scientific knowledge in a more open and transparent manner. By globally coordinating our scientific efforts, we will very quickly make phenomenal improvements to all sectors of society.

IHO Sector Teams


Each Sector Team will be responsible for collating the relevant data intelligence of their respective sector.

They will assess the global risks and needs of humanity in-line with the IHO core goals and make appropriate recommendations to improve global society for the benefit of all countries.

Scientific Excellence


As our goals are the same in a GLOBAL MODEL, humanity will share its scientific knowledge and technological skills on a more open and transparent basis.

This allows us to more effectively coordinate our global efforts and create a more autonomic global society which will further free up our time to advance our scientific knowledge to ever greater heights.

Faster Solutions


When we work together towards our common good, we share our scientific, technological and medical knowledge more openly. This will allow us to find medical cures and implement solutions to global challenges more rapidly!

As a result, lives will be saved and global society will improve at a phenomenal rate.


A GLOBAL MODEL requires governance practices which can be trusted.



An independent Oversight Panel will report directly to the people. The Oversight Panel will also ensure that the IHO is maintaining its standards and meeting its objectives.

This open and transparent approach will ensure that there is complete trust between the IHO, Nation States and international citizens.



For the IHO to achieve its goals, it needs to maintain high standards and be accountable for the decisions that it makes.

While the independent Oversight Panel will help to ensure high standards, representatives of the IHO must also be willing to accept responsibility and be accountable for their decisions and actions.



The IHO will operate a fully open and transparent system.

All directives will be publicly advertised with clear and concise evidence and/or reasoning for the decisions that are made. When necessary, input and feedback will be requested from relevant sectors and organisations.

Frequently Asked Questions




A GLOBAL MODEL is based on humanity working together as a people for the common good of all nations.

In a GLOBAL MODEL, nations and their respective governments work together in global cooperation towards a set of shared goals which benefits them all.

Managing this process is a politically and nationally independent Humanitarian Organisation of the People.

Why is a GLOBAL MODEL more intelligent than a National Model?

Why is a GLOBAL MODEL more intelligent than a National Model?

In a National model, humanity COMPETES AGAINST ITSELF. Nation states, businesses and individuals are competing against each other – politically and economically, for their own interests.

As this system literally pits HUMANITY AGAINST ITSELF, it is a ‘self-harming’ model which has destroyed countless lives. This aggressive, self-centred system leads to endless problems which have plagued humanity for centuries; war and conflict, political aggression between governments, greed, corruption, poverty, extreme wealth inequality, environmental destruction,…well, you know what the problems are. They’re in the news every day!

A GLOBAL MODEL will put an end to ALL of these problems as it will align the psychology of humanity to the same set of shared goals that equally benefit all nations. Cooperation replaces competition. Shared interest replaces self interest.

In a GLOBAL MODEL, we also utilise technology intelligently. For example, we will build clean energy cities and communities which will improve the environment, our health, and enhance the overall quality of life for everyone.

The improvements that we make to society globally will also free up our lives from the routine of monotonous jobs, providing us with more time to enjoy life and explore its unlimited possibilities.

How will a GLOBAL MODEL look to engage ideas and expertise from around the world?

How does a GLOBAL MODEL look to engage ideas and expertise from around the world?

In a GLOBAL MODEL, we work together as a people. Part of this process is about engaging the ideas and expertise of individuals and organisations from around the world. Here is an example.

  1. Based on our shared goals as a people, the IHO will create global directives to improve the state of the world for all nations. These directives will be based on the most up-to-date information and/or scientific evidence available.
  2. When a global directive is created, it will be posted publicly for input and review.
  3. If the directive can be improved (through a valid argument and/or related evidence), it will be amended accordingly.
  4. When the review period ends, the directive is implemented. All nations then work together to coordinate its implementation and benefit as a result.


Why is the IHO necessary?

Why is the IHO necessary?

For a GLOBAL MODEL to function effectively, it requires an Organisation (the IHO) to implement and coordinate global decisions (directives) that will improve the quality of life for people in all nations, while also protecting the wellbeing of the planet.

As this Organisation needs to make decisions which will benefit all nations – equally, it it important that it is politically independent and neutral.

What is the IHO?

What is the IHO?

The IHO is a Humanitarian & Scientific Organisation. It should be led by a team of Humanitarian and Scientific Experts.

These teams will work together to make sensible and intelligent decisions that will solve the world’s global problems and improve the quality of life for people in all nations.

Just like the human body relies on the ‘heart and mind’ to make sensible and intelligent decisions on its behalf, this Organisation will make sensible and intelligent decisions which will be in the shared interests of all nations and people.

The IHO therefore needs to be politically and nationally independent. Its decisions should not be influenced by the political or national agenda of any individual country or Nation State. Instead, its mandate should be to represent the best interests of humanity and the planet.

Is the IHO similar to the UN?

Is the IHO similar to the UN?

The IHO represents what the ‘League of Nations’ and ‘United Nations’ should have been.

The United Nations should have united humanity as a people allowing us to effectively work together to create a better world for EVERYONE. It should have transitioned humanity to a more intelligent GLOBAL MODEL which is necessary to end the ‘conflicted interests between national governments’ that are stuck in a state of competitive self-interest.

This didn’t happen.

The UN can only fulfil its potential if it is allowed to operate totally independent of nation-state politics. Its focus should be to represent and support the needs of humanity (all nations) and the planet – NOT political self-interest. After 100 years and more than 100 million deaths from war and conflict in the last century alone, we need to fix the mistakes of the past.

It’s time for humanity to work together as a people for the benefit of all nations.




  • I AGREE - We need a new GLOBAL MODEL to provide the foundation for all nations to work together in true global cooperation towards their common good and to address the global challenges that we face today.

© 2025 Let's go GLOBAL - We need a new GLOBAL MODEL for a more intelligent world.

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